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Saturday, July 4, 2009

" COKE BOMBs " lesson

just played with coke bomb on friday...

ms chen : how many bars of mentos u wanna put in the coke? The other classes put in two bars of mentos.

me : miss chen, they put 2 , we put 3 la...(whole class laughs)

ms chen : sure ah? i scared u ltr cant put all in ...

me : dun worry la , we never noe until we try..

according to ms chen the carbon dioxide in the coke will react in somethg in the mentos, cant remember what she say...

instead of 3 bars...
i only manage to put in 3 biji"s... then explode!!!
n i got slap by COKE..all over my face....

next time i will just keep my mouth shut!!!... and be humble a bit..

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