well, just finish a biology subject today..
i cant complain, the facts are there, the answer's were at the palms of my hand.
failing or passing is not the issue,
whether or not i have done my part is the real deal.
well if i tried my best, so.. "what is failing?"
"we learn more than failures than in success" i said to myself..
thats my moto nowadays..
i realise something important in life..
to me, there's no glory in defeating others..
it does not make you a better person,
it only lifts your heart up, and feeds our pride...
and what can pride brings us??
more shame and humble pie..
well, you could say i have gone through major "life humbling process"..
through my badminton carreer , i have learn much from life..
and i thank him, for bringing me down to earth..
today this point was proven time and again..
i was chatting with my college buds about their studies and all..
well, 1 of them undergoes peralihan , and can scored 10A's in trials of spm,
and how on earth she got only 3A's in SPM??(which is more easier than trials)
well, when a man thinketh he stand , he will surely fall..
and this a LAW in life we must follow..
"whoever thinks he is great, is probabaly the greatest fool."